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Thursday, April 7, 2011

11 Myths about Masturbation

Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation of a person’s genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (short of sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods.

Self masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism. Masturbation with a partner (called mutual masturbation), is also common.

There are number of myths that are very common among people .. here are 11 myths that are no longer a worry.

1. Only males masturbate

Females masturbate as much as males do. However, they tend to report it less than males due to the social stigma attached to it. Also it has been observed that females tend to reduce or discontinue masturbation once they get into meaningful sexual relationships.

2. Masturbation is unhealthy

Masturbation per se does not cause any health hazards. It is not an unhealthy habit. However, it may be mentally unhealthy if it assumes obsessive proportions and the individual is unable to think of anything else. It may also have physical repercussions if the instrument used to masturbate is dirty or infected.

3. Only teenagers masturbate

Though the practice usually begins during adolescence, almost all adults practice it at some time or the other in their lives. Masturbation is nothing but a healthy way of releasing sexual energies.

4. Masturbation doesn’t provide sexual satisfaction

Sometimes masturbation is more satisfying than the sex act. This is because, during masturbation, an individual is in control of his own movements and can maximise the pleasure according to his or her needs. During sexual intercourse, the degree of satisfaction may, to some extent, lie with the partner.

5. Masturbation results from unfulfilling sexual relationships

It’s a common myth that people masturbate only if they have an unfulfilling sexual relationship with their partner. This myth has no basis. People also masturbate for self satisfaction, even when they have otherwise fully satisfying sexual relationships.

6. Masturbation results in low sperm count

The quantity and quality of semen does not have anything to do with masturbation. Ejaculating more through masturbation will not result in low sperm count as the body keeps on producing sperms.

7. Masturbation causes impotence

Another myth is that teenagers will lose the ability to have children if they masturbate more. This myth has no scientific basis. In fact, teenagers tend to masturbate more often than adults as their hormone levels are at the highest point.

8. Masturbation leads to homosexuality

Masturbation does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Touching your own body does not mean that you would like to touch others body parts.

9. Masturbation makes one less sexually responsive

It is a common myth regarding masturbation that the act makes a person less responsive to stimulation by a partner, which is not true. It is healthy and a good way to learn about your body and sexual responsiveness. Masturbation helps men to know their ejaculation point.

10. Masturbation results from sexual exposure

Masturbation is a part of normal sexual development of a child. So, it has nothing to do with the sexual content shown on television or elsewhere.

11. Masturbation leads to blindness & deafness

Masturbation has nothing to with the loss of sensory organs functionality. It does not lead to any ill-effect on one’s health and if done in moderation, it is a safe sexual activity.